About Us
"Feeling music, rather than trying to analyse it intellectually, is one of the best ways to bypass the thinking mind and move closer to the heart."Our Gallery
Take a closer look at what we do…..
Our Story
We have an in-depth knowledge of the subtle interplay between all the components of a system. A great system brings together something greater than the sum of its parts and feeds your love of music.
A great hi-fi system simply disappears. You forget you are listening to a reproduction. You are there in the same space as the musicians. Connecting emotionally with the music. For this is what it is all about … music.
It is our love of music that is the heart and soul of Audiocounsel.

Our Team

dave fitton
Dave opened Audiocounsel in 1983 with the intention of selling the best music systems – that is still our goal today. To say Dave was enthusiastic about music would be putting it lightly. His love of music is what drove him to open Audiocounsel 35 years ago and it is why he still comes to work everyday with a big smile on his face, Audiocounsel isn’t just a business it is a passion.
Dave still lives by the same principle that he had when he opened Audiocounsel, which is that “the strength in our business is the relationship we build with our customers.” which is why many of our customers have been shopping with us for 25+ years.
Jimmy comes from a live music background so understands the importance of a quality music system that produces ‘real music’ just as it should sound live!
Jimmy has been in a number of different bands, loves to play any instrument that makes a noise and is involved in a large recording studio project- needless to say music is a massive part of his life and he brings that love and knowledge of music to Audiocounsel with him.

Trying to describe music through words is like trying to describe the taste of your favourite food to a friend. Words fall short. They are the finger pointing at the moon, but not the moon itself.
Words only have the power if you have the experience. You have to listen and feel the music for yourself. This is why everything we sell is by demonstration. A demo gives you the opportunity to listen.
The installation is one of the most important pieces of the jigsaw when it comes to buying a hi-fi system from us. It is where we bring our years of wealth and expertise to you. We spend time setting up your equipment to make sure it sounds amazing. This time we spend with you and your equipment is what differentiates us.
We are happy to travel to you and spend the time installing the equipment in your home. Although we may be based in Manchester, our customer base is all over the UK.
We want to help you build the music system that feeds your love of music. It takes time, that’s why so many of our consumers have been shopping with us for over 25 years. We strongly feel “The strength in our business is the relationship we build with our customers.” Here’s what a few customer have to say about us.
Come on In!
10AM – 5.30PM
10AM – 4PM
Sometimes we are away from the shop. To avoid disappointment, we recommend calling ahead to make sure we are around.
01457 875 555
29 Sam Road
Diggle, Greater Manchester